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The third day of V Forum “Endowment 2021. More than Money” finished

An interview with Alexander Svetakov, acquaintance with endowments of various organizations, a thematic discussion took place on this day

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The forum takes place from 19-23 April in the partnership with Moscow School of Management SKOLKOVO under the auspices of the Ministry of Economic Development, RF.

The program of the 3rd day includes: an interview with a speaker in the format of “Morning Coffee”, a PechaKucha session, the festival EndowFest where representatives of MGIMO University, Garage Museum of Modern Art and participants of a thematic discussion organized by Moscow School of Management SKOLKOVO shared their stories of establishing and developing endowments.

Alexander Svetakov, the Chairman of the “Absolute-Help” Foundation, opened the program of the 3rd day. He talked about establishing two endowments for charitable organizations. Alexander Svetakov said: “We have recently established two endowments: one endowment is for the inclusive boarding school “Absolute” and the second is for the animal care center UNA. I would like such organizations exist for decades or even centuries. It is possible to calculate a minimal capital that is required for such school functioning during the period of 50 years. And it is obvious that the sum will be significant. In Russia, such financial instrument as an endowment has appeared on time when organizations started thinking about their future. I am certain that an endowment in the social sphere is the most conscious and effective choice in allocating capital”.

The MGIMO representatives opened the festival ЕndowFest. They chose a video to speak about their vision of endowments.  Marina Petrova, the Director of the MGIMO Endowment Foundation, commented the video: “MGIMO Endowment today is a support for one of the major country’s universities. Our endowment was established in 2007 and at present it equals to almost 2 billion rubles.  We developed three endowments to diversify the investment strategy and this significantly influenced the university development. Fortunately, our program which we developed with managing companies enables us not only to save the capital but also to increase it. The endowment turns into a powerful development institute and becomes a full participant of the focused strategy. We developed a program with requirements, criteria and effectiveness indicators for the projects that require funding and we plan to follow this program”.

Garage Museum of Modern Art also presented a video about importance of the endowment. Alexander Svistunov, the Director of Garage, talked about development of the Museum’s endowment. He said: “In 2018, when the museum celebrated its 10th anniversary, we registered the endowment and decided to take an unusual path. We offered everyone to become a donor. Now the endowment is distributed between several museum’s activities. We also promote the theme of endowments because it is important to tell people how this form of support differs from others. We understood that the endowment should be segmented and it should be used to support different museum activities, for example academic programs. Recently we have launched a master program that is aimed at training art market specialists. We will launch the third endowment this year to offer grants for artists. The first endowment is 425 million rubles, the second is 3,4 million rubles. We distribute the investment income between exhibition, education and publishing activities and also between our regional program, library and archive, inclusive programs and grants for artists.  The endowment is a way to develop the cultural code of future generations, the country’s cultural infrastructure, research and education in modern art”.

The festival continued with a discussion on “Educational resources for endowments’ development” organized by Moscow School of Management SKOLKOVO. Lyubov Vybornova, the acting Rector of Volga State University of Technology, Professor of Economy Department, Samara University; Larisa Saprykina, a representative of public organization for promoting mathematical education “Yaroslavl School 33”; and Aidar Bulatov, the Deputy Head of the Almaty school specialized in physics and math; participated in this discussion. Ivan Kopytov, the Director for Fundraising, a member of Moscow School of Management SKOLKOVO management team and Olga Nazaykinskaya, the Director for Education Transformation SKOLKOVO, were moderators of the discussion.  

Lyubov Vybornova pointed out: “We received the Vladimir Potanin grant, participated in the training program and reached our final goal: we established an endowment. The endowment became possible thanks to our colleagues’ support and experience. Our long-term objective is to receive funds for research projects but at the moment financial resources are used to solve current problems”.

Larisa Saprykina commented: “The main task of our endowment today is developing a long-term strategy for the projects which will be supported by the endowment.  And developing a team of educators is one of them. One more task is active cooperation with universities, participation in various competitions. Our graduates deal with fundraising and we attract other donors”.

Aidar Bulatov, the Deputy Head of the Almaty school specialized in physics and math, also told us about school support by its graduates. He said: “Having decided to establish an endowment, we already developed our links with graduates who were ready to help the school. And this was effective. Now our endowment continues to develop and increase. Fundraising goes into the endowment. The endowment supports social projects: it mainly helps teachers and students and remote regions where quality education is not available. Financial resources are also used to organize olympiads”.

The next part of the program was PechaKucha presentations. Olga Dranichkina, a member of the Tretyakov Gallery Governing Board, the Head for Development of the Tretyakov Gallery, opened a series of presentations. She talked about trends in endowments and their historical antecedents. She said: “Many people do not associate a museum with a drive for changes. But we became such driver in 2020, having done a lot to transform our work. We launched a program “Museum’s Patrons”, learned  how to raise funds and finally opened an endowment. Actually, the endowment in the Tretyakov Gallery was established earlier. In 1892, Sergey Mikhailovich Tretyakov opened a bank deposit with 100 thousand rubles to enable the gallery to build its collection using the income from this deposit. In 2019, we started talking about an endowment thanks to the Vladimir Potanin Foundation. Our mission is to make people better and this task will be always relevant”.

Marina Mikhailova, the Director of the Arkhangelsk Center for Social technologies continued: “The word “impossible” often appears in our lexicon, but 25 years of our work demonstrate that everything is possible. When we first heard about endowments it was like knowledge about an UFO: everything was unclear. Nobody knew how to start this work. At that time, we did not have resources and experience but we started learning thanks to the Vladimir Potanin Foundation. The competition “New Dimension” helped us to find answers to our questions about endowments. Today it is easier for us to speak with donors and we found people who are ready to co-finance. To conclude, I would like to say that there is no need to hurry. It is important to evaluate objectively your strengths and weaknesses, make preparations and move towards your goal”.

Svetlana Rusnak, the Deputy Head for Development, Primorsk State Art Gallery, a representative of the endowment “DalArt”, shared her experience: “I got acquainted with the idea of endowment during my internship in Hermitage. It seemed to me that establishing an endowment was like constructing a spaceship. But in 2019, I won the competition and studied at professional development program “Endowments: a strategy of establishment and development” in SKOLKOVO. Our art gallery is the main museum in Primorye, it has been developing rapidly, we have more than 100 exhibitions a year, including exhibitions with the major museums. We developed a special museum endowment model, became members of the Chamber of Industry and Commerce. Now we are a resource for business and corporate culture”.

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