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The Foundation discussed the sustainable development goals at the international forum WINGS Forum 2020/2021

The Vladimir Potanin Foundation became a participant of the international forum dedicated to the role of the inter-sectoral cooperation in achieving sustainable development goals

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The panel discussion, conducted in the framework of the UN General Assembly 75th session, was held online on September, 28th, 2020.

WINGS Forum 2020/2021:IMAGINE brought together government leaders, leaders of the civil society, philanthropy and business. Experts discussed the role of philanthropy in fostering inter-sectoral cooperation in achieving SDG and identified practices that allow the pace and scope of social progress to identify the pace and scope of threats in the way of building more just and equitable world.

Peter Laugharn, the President and the Chief Executive Officer of the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation, Oksana Oracheva, the General Director of the Vladimir Potanin Foundation, Nana Afadzinu, the Executive Director of WASCI, Yanti Triwadiantini, the Chair of the ASEAN CSR Network and Mr. Jorge Moreira da Silva, the Director of the Development Co-operation Directorate (DCD) at OECD, participated in the discussion.

Peter Laugharn, the President and the Chief Executive Officer of the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation, opened the discussion: “Inter-sectoral cooperation is the key to success not only in a general sense, but directly in achieving sustainable development goals and overcoming the difficulties we faced this year. Coordinated efforts of the philanthropy sector, as a coordinator, the government, as a creator, the private sector, as an accelerator and the civil society, as an expert are required to achieve SDG. And this refers not to cooperation of separate organizations, but to extensive work that includes representatives of various sectors, and we should not permit some of them stay isolated. I consider that we should perceive SDG not as some positive aspirations but as indicators of our effectiveness. We should work in full force”.

Oksana Oracheva, the Vladimir Potanin Foundation General Director, continued the discussion and identified the main barriers to achieving sustainable development goals.

“In my view, there are three barriers to SDG goals’ achievement. I would call them: difficulties with translation, inability to combine local and global and adherence to stereotypes. By difficulties with translation, I understand explanation of similar values in different ways. For example, in philanthropy, we try to make the world better and it seems this does not require additional explanations. At the same time, SDG is a relatively new term and, in a sense, we have to translate this term to the philanthropy language to avoid inconsistency. Another point is local and global. When we are talking about philanthropy we think about local initiatives and when we start talking about ambitious tasks, for example, about sustainable development goals, we are losing this link between global issues and activities taking place at regions. However, these local activities contribute to the solution of global issues. Talking about stereotypes, I would like to ask why we need partnerships and what type of partnerships we should develop? What can philanthropy offer to SDG achievement apart from financial resources? Does money play the key role in solving this problem?” noted Oksana Oracheva

Mr. Jorge Moreira da Silva, the Director of the Development Co-operation Directorate (DCD) at OECD shared his expert view on the effect of the current crisis on developing countries and the role of philanthropy in solving current problems.

“We are experiencing the crisis that shed brighter light on the problems of developing countries. It is predicted that 80% of the poor will have been in a more vulnerable position by 2030. Obviously, the crisis speeded up this moment. It is expected that external financing of developing countries will decrease by 700 billion dollars and we will have to talk about partial repayment of debts and attract additional resources from the private sector. And philanthropy plays the fundamental role in this context. Not only does it help to mobilize resources, but it brings agility, adaptivity and new approaches to increase effectiveness,” comment Mr. Jorge Moreira da Silva.

Nana Afadzinu, the Executive Director of WASCI talked about the situation in African countries and stakeholders who contribute most to stabilize the situation.

“I think that we managed to learn several lessons from this crisis pouncing upon us. Apparently, the civil society suffered, but it is important that we developed a well-organized platform of the civil society that can be used by various stakeholders who can receive the required information. Secondly, the involvement of government in supporting inter-sectoral partnerships played a significant role. This manifested in establishing certain structures and committees that have to solve the problems and accelerate SDG achievement. Finally, the media has become our partner and it is seriously involved in all processes in our region,” Nana Afadzinu shared her view.

Yanti Triwadiantini, the Chair of the ASEAN CSR Network concluded the discussion “We all work in partnerships globally and locally. However, these partnerships are not as coordinated as we would like them to be. Partly, this is due to the fact that people rely on their intuition in establishing partnerships and forget about a clear logical structure. Key elements of effective cooperation are joint creativity and preparedness to allocate risks fairly. Partners often lack this willingness to take risks because we all think about future dividends. Inconsistency in approaches, disbalance in allocating responsibilities and mistrust are barriers in establishing inter-sectoral partnerships,” Yanti Triwadiantini shared her view.

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