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The 4th day of V Forum “Endowment 2021. More than Money” has finished

Today there have been a meeting with the actor Nikita Kukushkin and presentation of several bright endowment cases

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The Vladimir Potanin Foundation takes stock of the 4th Forum day “Endowment 2021. More than money” which takes place on April 19-23 under the auspices of the Ministry of Economic Development, RF and Moscow School of Management SKOLKOVO.

The program of the 4th day includes: an interview with an expert in the “Morning Coffee” format, stories of establishing and developing endowments from representatives of “Sports Programming in UFU” and the digital platform “Fakultetus” within the festival EndowFest and a discussion in the PechaKucha format with representatives of 4 organizations.

Nikita Kukushkin, the founder of the project “Help”, the leading actor of “Gogol Center” opened the program of the 4th day. He spoke about developing a mobile app to help the elderly. He said: “Creativity and philanthropy are concordant concepts: they stimulate humankind to develop and improve. The development leads the world to global changes: digital technologies provide us with a universal tool to make philanthropy transparent. The application “Help” shows all transactions: who helped whom and what on financial resources were spent.  20 companies and about 300 intellectual volunteers participated in developing the platform. It was possible to unite these people due to the shared idea and technologies allowed us to implement our idea in a digital format”.

The festival ЕndowFest continued the program. Alexander Bagirov, a student from the Ural Federal University and the chair of the endowment “Sports Programming” Governing Board; Sergey Vishhipanov, the Director General of ““Fakultetus”; Kirill Olginsky, the Director for Communications of the Endowment “Origins” and Evgenya Belotelova, the Managing Partner of the company Philin Philgood, participated in the discussion.

Alexander Bagirov spoke about specificity of establishing a special-purpose endowment.  He said: "Sports programming in UFU is a non-commercial project which unites school and university students and teachers who are interested in programming. At some moment we started thinking about establishing a special-purpose endowment which unites people who share our community vision. The goal of our endowment is to support and sponsor students who represent our university. To develop the endowment, we launched a website where information on all donations is automatically updated. And this helps to create a favourable information environment. We plan to raise 20 million rubles for our endowment in 2021”.

Sergey Vishhipanov, the Director General of the project “Fakultetus”, talked about the importance of promoting the idea of endowment to university students. He said: “I have not heard about endowments before my studying at RANEPA. I became interested how many students are unaware of endowments. We conducted a survey among 3229 respondents and found out that 97% do not understand why university needs the endowment. The conclusion is obvious: it is necessary to promote the idea of endowments among prospective university donors, students. It is important to develop a positive attitude to this tool in order that university graduates will be loyal toward the idea of endowment in 10-15 years. We should also pay attention to the fact that there is a lack of cooperation between foundations. I am a supporter of algorithmization and an endowment is a pretty assembly like thing. It should work systematically and be large scaled”.  

Kirill Olginsky, the Director for Communications of the Endowment “Origins”, and Evgenya Belotelova,  the Managing Partner of the company Philin Philgood, talked about the role of communications in the development of the non-commercial sector.  Kirill Olginsky said: “The Foundation “Origins” is a project at the interface of endowment and NGO. I was always engaged in promoting socially responsible business and during my work with the Foundation I understood that an endowment and the non-commercial sector work well together. The Foundation “Origins” was  founded in 2013 and at present accumulated about 1 billion rubles. Initially, the endowment was established to support philanthropy programs, but now we plan to launch an institute of systematic support for the Russian philanthropy. Moreover, the year 2020 helped us to realize the role of digital communication in NGO development. We arrived at a decision to establish an accelerator that will help systematic development of organizations”.  

Evgenya Belotelova continued the theme of communications and branding for NGO development. She said: “We are sure that digital communication is not only beautiful but also functional. It directly influences the success of a social project. Communication channels of non-commercial organizations should be transparent and talk about project goals in a clear and persuasive way. Donors are modern people who use all available technologies.  One of the examples is a well-known campaign “Dobroshrift” where we were engaged as digital-partners. The results of this campaign depended on the website technical characteristics. In the end we received 16 million rubles for our charitable fund and 250 thousand people became our unique users”.

The next part of the program is PechaKucha presentations. Alla Platonova, the Director of Development of Perm Opera and Ballet Theatre opened a series of presentations.  She said: “Perm Theatre is often called a creative laboratory. When a famous conductor Teodor Kurentzis became our Art Director, we started thinking about an endowment. In 2019, we submitted an application for the Vladimir Potanin competition and won. But Teodor Kurentzis left the theatre and this could influence our endowment development. Many donors believed that we need money at present but not in the future. But we understood that the endowment is useful because we can concentrate on the future. We started thinking about our vision of the theatre in 50 years period, about our role in people’s life and started developing a strategy”.

Julija Leduhovskaja, the senior specialist of the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology Endowment Fund talked about creative approaches to the endowment development. She said: “We  consider ourself an independent foundation. The university does not sponsor us. That is why we are very attentive to those who care about us. For example, during the pandemic period we bought COVID-19 tests  and sent them to all our donors. They were grateful and as a result we raised 1,5 million rubles of donations. We also developed a project which became the endowment’s drive: a boarding game that helps to understand what is an endowment.  This is an interactive 2 hours game that involves every player in endowment activities. When people started comparing us with the game Monopoly, we realized that we went beyond our community”.

Vladimir Luzan, the Director of Krasnoyarsk Art Museum after Surikov talked about an endowment as a communication tool. He said: “Nowadays there are three endowments in Krasnoyarsk Kray, including our endowment. Initially, we discussed establishing of the endowment within the project ‘Museum Quarter”. We managed to organize several events and present our endowment at Krasnoyarsk Economic Forum in 2019. We were noticed by the media and the project was included in a large program timed to 400th anniversary of Krasnoyarsk. We organized a fundraising campaign and as a result colleagues from other organizations started asking us for consultations about endowments. The endowment is the priority project for our museum and I keep thanking people who helped us to implement it”.

Oksana Petrova, the Director of the Charitable Foundation Dobry Gorod Petersburg, finished the series of presentations. She said: “Our Foundation helps senior citizens to realize themselves and be useful for society. The endowment for us is investment to sustainability: changing the world today, we change the future. Our endowment is made of numerous donations and brings annual income of 7-8%. At present our endowment is 11.5 million rubles. Due to the Vladimir Potanin Foundation, the value of endowment in the information space has become more visible. We want our foundation to be focused on the needs of our grantees and we follow the principle “small deeds – big opportunities” where money is only a small part of the big process”.   

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