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Being Systemic

The Foundation supports best practices in the non-profit sector

(en) Текст новости

The winners are selected in the Foundation most large-scale anti-crisis project, New Dimension, designed to strengthen the non-profit sector. In March 2020, Vladimir Potanin had donated one billion rubles to help NGOs amidst the pandemic. Responding to the new challenges, the Foundation launched three grant competitions to support grass-roots initiatives and non-profits. In April, we had been accepting applications and advising applicants; in May, the experts had been assessing the applications. 

In June, the Foundation’s Expert Council selected 56 winning organizations from 15 regions of Russia. The leading regions, by the number of winners, are Moscow (31, most of which are engaged in activities outside the capital), St. Petersburg (8), Perm Kray (3), Irkutsk Region (2), and the Republic of Bashkortostan (2).  The Foundation’s grants were also awarded to organizations in Sverdlovsk, Samara, Omsk, Penza, Novosibirsk, Arkhangelsk, Chelyabinsk, and Voronezh Regions, and the Republics of Chuvashia and Tatarstan.

To support these organizations, the Foundation will spend 499 million rubles. 392 million will constitute core funding, 107 million will form new endowments of 15 organizations and supplement 5 already existing endowments.

508 applications admitted for consideration were assessed by a team of independent experts: the Foundation engaged 41 experienced non-profit sector professionals from the country’s various regions. 29 of them were involved at the first stage and 12 at the second.

Oksana Oracheva, General Director of the Foundation: “Our winners are organizations that have been for many years building their direct systemic work with vulnerable groups and acting as resource centers for their peers. I hope that our support will help them to not only increase the amount of help they are providing today but also lay a foundation for the future and structure their activities in the long run. We are talking about multiplying the efforts of our whole sector. When planning the competition, we wanted to strengthen the NGOs’ positions, provide them with an opportunity to make their own decisions about the vector of their future development and, of course, support people who work for them. The choices that the Expert Council had to make were very difficult: the names of our applicants spoke for themselves, and the best were competing with the best. I would like to note the highest professional level of our winners. Even amidst the crisis, they have never stopped planning their future and grow. It is thanks to this work and their striving for development that thousands of people will receive the help they need on time.”

Every second winning organization works with more than a thousand beneficiaries, including children left without parental care, families with many children, indigent people and people living in remote locations, people with disabilities and mental health patients, as well as the homeless. Many organizations work with several groups.

More than a half of the winning organizations have been working in the sector for more than ten years. Just under a half are small and medium-sized organizations with fewer than 50 staff, while four are large, with more than 100 staff. More than a half of the winning organizations actively engage volunteers.

The total of 1,320 organizations from 83 regions of Russia have expressed their interest, and 681 submitted applications. To check their compliance with the formal criteria, the Foundation employed eight experts who conducted a legal assessment of each application.

The reasons for not admitting organizations to the competitive selection included failure to provide an audit report, mandatory for foundations, including 2018 reports (36 applications); incompatible corporate format (39); failure to submit all required documents (34); lack of required experience (28); incompatible target groups (14); and other reasons (22, including inconsistencies in the applicant’s name, prohibited budget items, etc.).

The Winners

1. Neskuchny Sad Publishing Center. Yulia Danilova, Moscow

2. Irkutsk Habilitation Center. Serafima Melnik, Irkutsk, Irkutsk Region

3. Sergey Belogolovtsev’s Skis of Dream, center for social assistance and adaptation for people diagnosed with CCP and other conditions. Natalia Belogolovtseva, Moscow

4. Russian House Center for Social Initiatives. Tatiana Safyannikova, Moscow

5. Star Shower, non-profit organization to help children. Elena Zhernova, Chelyabinsk, Chelyabinsk Region

6. Family to Children, non-profit organization for social support to families, children and individuals in a difficult life situation. Larisa Buchelnikova, Yekaterinburg, Sverdlovsk Region

7. Dilart Center for Culture and Enlightenment, association of public and culture leaders. Igor Shatunov, Moscow

8. Marhamat Charitable and Educational Foundation. Svetlana Biskayeva, Ufa, Republic of Bashkortostan

9. Volunteers to Assist Orphaned Children, charitable foundation. Elena Alshanskaya, Moscow

10. Hospice for Children Charitable Foundation. Pavel Tkachenko, St. Petersburg

11. Dobry Gorod Peterburg Charitable Foundation. Oksana Petrova, St. Petersburg

12. Obereg Charitable Foundation. Alexander Sobolev, Irkutsk, Irkutsk Region

13. So-Yedineniye, charitable foundation to support the deafblind. Natalia Sokolova, Moscow

14. St. Basil the Great Charitable Foundation. Yuliana Nikitina, St. Petersburg

15. Konstantin Khabensky Charitable Foundation. Elena Meshkova, Moscow

16. Fragile People, charitable foundation to assist people with osteogenesis imperfecta and other bone pathology. Elena Mescheryakova, Moscow

17. Sunflower, charitable foundation to assist children and adults with immunity deficiencies. Irina Bakradze, Moscow

18. MyMyo, charitable foundation to help children with Duchenne muscular dystrophy and other severe neuromuscular diseases. Elena Sheperd, Moscow

19. Anya Chizhova Foundation to help children with incurable diseases. Irina Lapshina, Cheboksary, Republic of Chuvashia

20. DobroSvet, charitable foundation to help children with hematological malignancies and other severe diseases.  Alexandra Rodnishcheva, Voronezh, Voronezh Region

21. Nastenka, charitable foundation to help children with cancer. Dzhamilya Aliyeva, Moscow

22. Korablik, charitable foundation to help children with severe diseases and their families. Dmitry Akimov, Moscow

23. Here and Now, charitable foundation to help orphaned children. Tatiana Tulchinskaya, Moscow

24. BELA Butterfly Children, charitable foundation to help children with epidermolysis bullosa. Elena Kuratova, Moscow

25. Live Now, charitable foundation to help people with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and other neuromuscular diseases. Natalia Lugovaya, Moscow

26. Path of Life, charitable foundation to help people with developmental impairments. Ivan Rozhansky, Moscow

27. Right to Miracle, charitable foundation to help preterm babies. Natalia Zotkina, Moscow

28. Old Age in Joy, charitable foundation to support the elderly and people with disabilities. Elizaveta Oleskina, Moscow

29. RUSFOND, charitable foundation to help children with severe diseases, orphaned children and people with disabilities. Lev Ambinder, Moscow

30. No Losses, charitable foundation to help children with severe diseases. Aygul Gubacheva, Ufa, Republic of Bashkortostan

31. Gulfstream, charitable foundation to help people with severe diseases. Marina Zubova, Moscow

32. Vera, charitable foundation to support hospices. Anna Skorobogatova, Moscow

33. Palliative for Children, charitable foundation for the development of palliative care. Karina Vartanova, Moscow

34. Big Change, charitable foundation for education for orphaned children. Irina Ryazanova, Moscow

35. Way of Life, charitable foundation for the development of socio-cultural initiatives and trusteeship. Elena Beregovaya, Moscow

36. Nochlezhka, interregional charitable non-profit organization to help the homeless. Grigory Sverdlin, St. Petersburg

37. Society for the Development of Productive Initiatives. Anna Fadeyeva, Perm, Perm Kray

38. Care – Hesed Avraam, Jewish charitable center for people with disabilities and pensioners. Leonid Kolton, St. Petersburg

39. Downside Up Charitable Foundation. Anna Portugalova, Moscow

40. AdVITA Charitable Foundation. Pavel Grinberg, St. Petersburg

41. Bereginya Charitable Foundation. Tatiana Golubeva, Perm, Perm Kray

42. Dedmorozim, charitable foundation to help children. Nadezhda Li, Perm, Perm Kray

43. Humanitarian Project, Novosibirsk regional non-profit organization. Denis Kamaldinov, Novosibirsk, Novosibirsk Region

44. Rainbow, charitable center to help children. Valery Evstigneyev, Omsk, Omsk Region

45. Civic Union Charitable Foundation. Oleg Sharipkov, Penza, Penza Region

46. Garant Center for Social Technologies. Marina Mikhaylova, Arkhangelsk, Arkhangelsk Region

47. Center for Curative Pedagogy. Anna Bitova, Moscow

48. Civic Assistance, charitable organization to help refugees and migrants. Svetlana Gannushkina, Moscow

49. Moscow Helsinki Group. Svetlana Astrakhantseva, Moscow

50. Perspektiva, organization of people with disabilities. Denise Roza, Moscow

51. Samara Gubernia Charitable Foundation. Tatiana Akimova, Samara, Samara Region

52. Anzhela Vavilova Charitable Foundation to help children with leukemia. Vladimir Vavilov, Kazan, Republic of Tatarstan

53. GAOORDI, St. Petersburg association for groups of parents of children with disabilities. Margarita Urmancheyeva, St. Petersburg

54. Pier, St. Petersburg charitable organization. Oleg Krasnikov, St. Petersburg

55. National Foundation to Protect Children from Cruel Treatment. Larisa Bayborodova, Moscow

56. Dima’s Dream Foundation for charitable assistance to orphaned children and children with disabilities. Elena Volodina, Moscow.

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