(en) Текст новости
Below there is a chronicle of steps which we take as the outbreak of coronavirus grows.
3 December
The Foundation increases its support of grantees. The decision has been made with the account of feedback from the organizations that won in our grant competitions in the crisis period and is based on the results of the online survey conducted in November 2020. 162 organizations participated in the survey.
· The grant sum is increased by 10% but not more than by 300 000 rubles from the total sum on expenditure for a project implementation for legal entities. This measure is for the winners of the “Effective Philanthropy” program competitions: “Common Cause”, “New Dimension” and “Philanthropy School” and for the winners of the competition “Museum 4.0” year 2020, the program “Museums without Borders”.
· These grantees also have an opportunity to extend the period of their project implementation and a contract up to 12 months (in case that the project implementation period is less than 12 months) or for the period up to 18 months (in case if the project implementation period is more than 12 months) from the date of the contract conclusion.
· There are opportunities for professional development –
Professional development programs: “Distant education methods”, HSE; “Science communication”, ITMO; “Instructional design”, TSU.
Intensive programs: serious of trainings by Dobry Gorod Petersburg (“A sustainable project in uncertain times”; “NGOs’ distant work: effective solutions”; “Crisis management in NGO: adjusting to a new world”); “Online closure the year in NGOs”, D-Group Social.
Awarded Grants in Russia
22 October
The Foundation has allocated extra 59,5 mln rubles as grant fund for the new two rounds of the extended Common Cause competition, the total grant fund of the competition has increased to 200 mln rubles.
8 October
The Foundation has allocated a total of 35 909 032 rubles to support our current grantees (as of October 8, 2020, through the acceptance of offers on our portal).
27 April
- We have opened a new competition Philanthropy School aimed to support local grassroots initiatives and NGOs’ projects seeking to improve the quality of most vulnerable individuals’ lives. The application process will launch on the day of Giving Tuesday Now, 5 May 2020.
21 April
- The start of two-week online course “NGO Remote Work: Effective Solutions” for non-profit organizations teams. The course is organized by the “Dobry Gorod Petersburg” Foundation and supported by grant of the Vladimir Potanin Foundation.
31 March
- Open call for New Dimension grant competition announced to support systemically important social NGOs working with the most vulnerable categories of citizens.
30 March
27 March
- The Foundation joined the Russian Donors Forum campaign on the interaction of its members in times of increased epidemiological danger and economic instability.
24 March
● The Foundation began accepting grant applications for the Common Cause Grant Competition to support non-profit organizations and cultural institutions.
23 March
● Vladimir Potanin donated one billion rubles to support the non-profit sector in times of global instability. The Foundation announced imminent launch of two new grant competitions.
● The Foundation extended the deadline for executing grant agreements by the winners of the Museum Bridges Grant Competition through 31 December 2020. The winners of the Attending Intermuseum-2020 nomination offered attending the Culture Forum in St. Petersburg or another relevant event instead. Two group site visits, in Russia and abroad, postponed (tentatively until the fall of 2020).
● Group site visit under the Museum: The Power of Place program, planned for June 2020, postponed indefinitely.
20 March
● The deadline for executing grant agreements by the selected 2019-2020 Vladimir Potanin Fellows extended through April 15, 2020.
● The deadline for executing grant agreements by the 2019-2020 winners of the Master’s Program Faculty Grant Competition extended through 31 August 2020.
● The Foundation extends all travel grants awarded to private individuals through the end of 2020. Grants extended automatically as a matter of public offer.
● The Foundation increases the amounts of awarded grants by the amounts of non-refundable expenses, extends grant periods for project grants, and further increases the amounts of all grants awarded to legal entities by 10%.
● For all current competitions, winner selection will be finalized as usual according to approved schedules, but deadlines for executing grant agreements and related paperwork are extended and trips rescheduled.
● As a temporary measure, no new grant competitions for travel grants, professional mobility grants, or grants for attending offline training programs will be held. Schedules for these competitions will be announced after the situation stabilizes. Where possible, competitions for attending offline training programs will be replaced by competitions for attending online training programs.
● Interim reporting deadlines for current grantees extended, but deadlines for disbursements of funds and final reporting, as well as grant periods themselves, remain as approved.
● Monitoring visits, as well as submittals of interim/final reports, are suspended until 31 May 2020. Digital monitoring will proceed.
18 March
● Intermuseum-2020 International Festival, including the Museum Guide Forum, canceled (timing and formats of the Museum Guide Forum to be determined).
17 March
● 4th International Forum Endowments 2020. Shared Space rescheduled for the fall of 2020.
16 March
The Foundation has decided to provide most comfortable environment for all grant projects that have been planned to come to life. To this end, we are prepared to extend your project implementation period as necessary or approve changes in the project design and event formats, so that your project may be implemented in safe mode, and best outcomes are achieved. We will also treat any actually incurred non-refundable expenses as approved, as long as they have been caused by the current epidemiologically unfavorable situation (purchase of non-refundable airfares, booking cancellations, event cancellations or rescheduling, etc.), and increase the grant amount accordingly.